Mălina Andrei – Romania
The one-man show NIJINSKY compresses essential moments from the 200 pages diary written by a artist caught between creation and despair, the famous dancer and choreographer Vaslav Nijinsky.

Born in Kiev in 1889, he was one of the most important artists of the 20th century and one of the world’s greatest
dancers, who revolutionised classical ballet through unconventional forms of expression.
In this performance, Nijinsky is portrayed in the moment when he was at the border line between normality and
insanity. Sensing the imminent loss of touch with reality, Nijinsky makes a desperate effort to convey his
message to the world, by writing fiercely for two months, in an attempt to save both himself and his creation from oblivion. Using different methods of expression, the performance convey as much as possible from what this complex personality meant, not only to the dance history but also to the human history.