I WANT TO FLY LIKE A KITE – Flatform Performance – 2024
Nehal Bhattacharjee – India
Time is not measured by the passing of years but what one does,one feel, oneachieve. It is said that above l ines determine the future. The story depicts Child Oppression. It is said Children had a desire to feel the air, the beautiful earth, and it’s surroundings. Moreover, they dream to fly high up like a kite. They are free bird who had wings to go anywhere their inner calling takes.

But,still today it is very prevalent that on
the eve of post modernization somewhere it is seen that children are being limited to certain restrictions.
They are being oppressed and for that reason they need to compromised with their dreams.Children never want to take full control of their own lives because they know somewhere they need a guiding light who nourishes them to be the leader of tommorow. But, it is vocal to speak up due to egomaniacal tendencies of the nourshing light they often get frustrated and end up nowhere and on process the nation somehow lost a flying kite or a shining jewels.