Aamar Aami – 2024
Ashim Das – Bangladesh
“ Amar Ami “ is a historically influenced play. It has been created getting inspired by a historical character. The autobiography of Binodini Dasi, one of the finest and pioneer actresses of Bengal is what the play is about. Srimati Binodini Dasi was born during 1863 AD at 145 Kornwalis Street of the then Calcutta. In 1874 she started her journey on the stage acting in a play named ‘’Shatrushanghar’’ of Great National Theatre just when she at the age of 11-12. Gradually her acting was appreciated by the audience and she had been winning their hearts ever since. Praises of the Knowledgeable figures of theatre were all around. Headlines came out in the newspapers as “Flower of the Native Stage’ , ‘primadone of the Bengal stage’ and ‘moon of star company’. In spite of all these recognitions and glory and even after attaining the peak of fame, she
had put an end to her life as an actor on 1st January , 1887

But the question is why did she feel the urge of leaving acting in the first place? What could have happened?
Srimati Binodini Dasi tried to portray all the unfortunate incidents of her life which were stored deep inside her heart in her autobiographies such as ‘Amar khata’ (My notebook) .’ amar kotha’ (My story), ‘My life as an actress’ (amar obhinetri jibon’. ‘amar ami’ is just a collection of such buried pains of Binodini.