Tik Tik – Sri Lanka – August 28th
Dilshan Thilanka

The play begins with the stage dark. A ticking sound is heard in the background. The second hand is running in a circle around the stage. He converses with the battery. The second hand is begging the battery to give him a break. But to give him a break, the battery does a lot of work from him. Even if that is done, the second hand will not get any rest. In the end, the battery has to be sexually bribed by seconds. After that, promotions been given per minute for seconds. In the end second hand gets a break due to sexual bribery. In this case, the second person performs a monolog and at the end of it, the battery is changed. The second hand has to run around the circle again. Only the second part is used here. The life struggle of the oppressed class is expected to be socialized through these dramas.